Myopia Control

Nearsightedness (myopia) is a condition in which you can see objects near to you clearly, but objects farther away are blurry. While myopia is common, it is important to monitor and take preventative measures to manage vision-threatening risks.

  • What to Know About Myopia

    Myopia, or “nearsightedness”, is a common condition affecting approximately 41.6% of the American population. At times, myopia can be caused by the shape of the eye being longer in length. Although being nearsighted is common and not a dangerous condition, the elongation of the eye can create secondary effects internally causing increased risks of:

    - Retinal detachments, holes, and tears

    - Glaucoma

    - Macular degeneration

    - Early cataract development

    Although genetics can play a part in myopia, studies suggest that myopia can worsen due to environmental factors at a young age. Detection and intervention of progressive myopia in children is critical for the prevention of developing vision threatening risk factors.

  • How We Help

    At Eyes of Hermosa Optometry, we provide myopia control through the use of:

    - Myopia control soft contact lenses

    - Atropine therapy

    Utilizing science-backed technology, we work with every patient to create individualized therapy plans that will not only provide the best vision results but also tailor to your lifestyle demands.

    Schedule an appointment today to discover which option is best for your family!